Here you go. Post some Noita.

  • MadWorks
    51 year ago

    So I’ve actually bought this game when it was on sale but haven’t really given it a try yet. I’m guessing it’s a roguelike?

    • @Clipboards
      41 year ago

      Extending on aski3252’s comment - it’s also brutal. There isn’t much handholding at all, and its one of those “knowledge is power” games where you’ll be dying a lot before you make any progress.

      I highly suggest giving it some honest efforts before deciding it isn’t your speed. I refunded this game after hating it for 15m, watched some videos that are aimed at new players / highlight wand mechanics, and then immediately purchased it again / threw 40 hours into the title since. I haven’t yet won a run, but I know it’s going to be fulfilling when I do, and this game opens up so much freedom once you understand the rules & constraints of the physics.

      • tal
        41 year ago

        You can also mod down the difficulty. I tend to play with a mod that provides a slow health regen.

    • @aski3252
      41 year ago

      Yes, what makes it special is a sort of pixel based physics engine. Liquids, gasses, etc are simulated pixel by pixel, so chemical reactions and destruction of the world are simulated in a pretty cool way.

    • @fnowski
      1 year ago

      This game is crazy. It has SO many weird interactions between wand stats, spells, perks, potions, items, you think you’re going crazy.

      But once you know, oh boy is this a beast of a witch sim. The sky (and hell, and parallel worlds) is the limit. Unite the suns, son.

  • @Clipboards
    31 year ago

    Thanks for kicking it off! Its been a hot minute, but i’ll absolutely keep tabs / contribute where I can :)

  • @tallwookie
    21 year ago

    oh jeez ima have to go install it again.

  • @JTskulk
    11 year ago

    What kick? I don’t understand.