Hullo loons and quines, how are we all this cauld evening? Who’s got plans fer the nicht? Or anything else this weekend?
Muckle steak the nicht frae Aldi. Wis butchered by a 12 year auld, ah hud tae trim an tidy it fierce like. Guid though aince finished an fried, wi a pepper cream sauce an fresh salad. Then sum games wi the wife ah reckun, instead are the rugby fer a change
Sounds like a fab night!! Good choice of food!! Love a steak!! I won’t ask what kinda games!! 🤣🤣
Happy Valentine’s Day!! Had a lovey dovey day with the kids. They wrote a nice message to someone they love on a heart and made a card for someone special. I gave them a wee packet of love hearts and a heart balloon each to take home. I wore a dress, card, trainers and boppers which all had love hearts on them!! Feeling the love!!
Did any kid give you a card? Super common for early years!
Nah Not my kids! A p2 child brought a rose for the teacher though!!