Long ago from somewhere I can’t remember I got a script that sends piped output to klipper - so for example one can pipe the output of a command to klipper and paste it somewhere else, which for me is pretty useful and neat.

It goes like this:


function copy {
›   # check for stdin
›   if ! tty -s && stdin=$(</dev/stdin) && [[ "$stdin" ]]; then
›   ›   # get the rest of stdin
›   ›   stdin=$stdin$(cat)
›   ›   # oh, nice - user input! we set that as current
›   ›   # clipboard content
›   ›   qdbus6 org.kde.klipper /klipper setClipboardContents "$stdin"
›   ›   exit
›   fi

›   # if we reach this point no user input was given and we print out the current contents of the clipboard
›   qdbus6 org.kde.klipper /klipper getClipboardContents

copy $@


The thing is that since the 6.3 update this not longer works - the text is indeed piped to Klipper, but it’s not longer possible to paste it somewhere else without going to klipper’s entry in the panel tray and clicking the piped text to actually have it available at the clipboard first.

Is this a just me problem or is there any chance that someone else around here is facing the same?