I’ve got a backpack full of holy relics.

So far I’ve collected the Spear of Longinus, some of the nails from the cross, two veils from a Saint (different saints so double the holiness), a tooth of a different saint, and various other relics.

Satan should be afraid of Henry of Skalitz.

  • no banana
    24 days ago

    Damn, I haven’t found any of those yet! I need to step up my collecting game!

    • teftOP
      24 days ago

      I’m playing Henry as a devout christian so he always buys anything holy. He’s also a bit of an idiot since I don’t focus on scholarship so there’s no way for him to know if they’re real relics.

      • no banana
        24 days ago

        That sounds like fun! I personally like Henry being too educated for his own good, but that can include a fervent collectorship as well

      • odd
        14 days ago

        So you are playing him as an devout Christian.