Woke up this morning to my work calendar app** with an “updated” UI.

A few months ago, they reverted a change that had made event names totally unreadable on mobile. Apparently, people complained that event names still weren’t readable, so instead of implementing different view options (monthly, weekly, etc), it appears that their UX/UI team hit the crack pipe and decided to axe the month view altogether for mobile users.

No thanks, I don’t want to “scroll in any direction across the calendar to view [my] events”, I want to see what I have coming up later this week and for the next few weeks at a glance.

**I scrubbed the logo because this is (presumably) a small company with a specialized product for the industry I’m in. I scrolled back to December for the screenshot so as to not doxx myself with events from my work schedule.

Edit: The excellent help desk person passed along my complaint and sent word that they put in a toggle to allow for the full, 7-week calendar view. They got it fixed within a day!

  • over_clox
    1 month ago

    As a result of your complaint, you have been banned from the Calendar app.

    • goosehorseOP
      1 month ago

      Lmao I really wouldn’t mind, and it would maybe give my boss the extra push to enable export to Google calendar where the rest of my life resides, like the business I work for used to use before we switched to this “holistic solution” specific to the industry.

      That said, the help desk has been all too kind listening to my unhinged ravings.