Recently I’ve been having some issues with framerate with D2R, dropping down to low 20s. I installed the Nouveau driver, purged all the Nvidia drivers, and then installed the new 535 driver and after some tinkering, D2R seems to be running in the 70ish range for the most part which is a huge improvement. Now, however, I seem to be having some inconsistent issues with TF2 launching.

Initially, everything worked fine. I launched all the games I have been playing lately and everything was running. I even played TF2 for a few hours without issue. Yesterday, a day after doing all of this, TF2 will not launch at all. When I click the play button in my library, it changes to cancel, stop, then back to play. All in just a second or 2. TF2 never actually launches. I tried verifying the integrity of the game files and even uninstalling/reinstalling but it still seems to get me the same result.

Some results of trying to launch TF2 and my system information from steam I’ve copy/pasted here:

Anyone have any idea what’s causing my crashes?

  • @just_another_person
    21 year ago

    Verify your game files and clear your shader caches and such. Looks like you might have some corrupted files in there from the looks of those file errors.

    • @ShabamjenkinsOP
      11 year ago

      I just tried to clear cache and verified the game files again but I get the same results when trying to launch the game.

      • @just_another_person
        21 year ago

        Try the old uninstall>delete>reinstall, and make sure you manually go and check those riectories it mentions in the logs and clear all that out. It’s throwing ELF errors, and the executable names are garbled. I’m positive you have corrupt files in there.

        • @ShabamjenkinsOP
          11 year ago

          I tried uninstalling TF2 from Steam, I deleted the Team Fortress 2 folder (/home/shabamjenkins/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/Team Fortress 2), restarted, reinstalled and launched again. I still get the same errors. Should I uninstall Steam altogether (or was that what you meant by uninstall>delete>reinstall)?

          • @just_another_person
            1 year ago

            I was just referring to the game. Are your logs still throwing the same elf errors?

            Can you post the output of: uname -a

            • @ShabamjenkinsOP
              11 year ago

              Yup, same ELF errors. I think the jumbled ones are slightly different but mostly the same.

              shabamjenkins@ShabamJenkins:~$ uname -a Linux ShabamJenkins 5.15.0-78-generic #85-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 7 15:25:09 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

              • @just_another_person
                21 year ago

                The only other thing I can suggest is just completely removing Steam and installing the Flatpak release of the Steam client. This has been solving certain issues for people, and was suggested to a few F38 users, but seen others say it fixed issues. Seems like a long way to go, but…

    • @ShabamjenkinsOP
      11 year ago

      I usually install updates as they pop up: drivers, apps, whatever. Between the 2 days of TF2 working and then TF2 not working, I’m pretty sure there wasn’t any real updates.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        I’d recommend installing the flatpak. Tf2 stopped working for me when I upgraded to fedora 38. The flatpak seems to fix whatever dependency issue is causing it. It also fixes portal 2 and Gmod cause those also stopped launching on f38.