Anyone who thinks Van Helsing was bad clearly hasn’t seen GOTHIC VAMPIRES FROM HELL… just from the title you can tell that they were going for a B movie feel, and managed to hit several levels below that

  • fake-looking fangs, fake-looking blood effects
  • randomly inserted computer-generated animations
  • bad acting, bad writing
  • club scenes of people dancing with cheap video distortion effects overlayed
  • occasional BDSM scenes interweaved … to create a mood I guess?
  • It all looks like it was filmed in a goth club somewhere with their friends as actors.

Surprisingly, it has a solid soundtrack made up of second-generation gothic industrial / deathrock music. I think Cleopatra Records had something to do with this movie. Anyway, this is a great movie to play in the background if you like dark vampiric stuff happening in the periphery and you’re into “dark” music.

I caught it on Tubi (uBlock Origin adblocker on Firefox seems to work here):