Loving it so far. This series has some of the most unique and interesting characters ever. It’s refreshing.
I’m loving it.
“This and that.” “Lotta guys into this and that here.” “Noble profession.”
Am watching it for Aimee Lou Wood (the toughest foe a Walton Googins character has ever faced).
Not so bothered by the ‘family of wankers’, or the passive-aggressive bitchiness of Carrie Coon’s gang, but we’ll see. This show does the impressive trick of making unrelatable, unlikeable people entertaining.
The younger son and the daughter act weird in a secret way and I want to know more. The older brother, mother, father are all weird in obvious ways, but the others… they’re up to something.
The younger brother likes staring at his naked older brother. Hmmm…
Given what happened last season, I wouldn’t put anything past this show
I miss the intro song. But the new one is a banger too