Grabbed some seeds during a valentines sale, they are just pricey otherwise (over $10 a seed for decent genetics) it still came out to $255Cad.

Haul is all fem:

10x bubble kush from RQS

10x Powerflower from RQS

3x legendary OG Punch RQS

5x White Widow AUTOs RQS

And the freebies which appear to come From Canuks seeds are:

2x Strawberry Banana

2x Fruity pebbles.

I mainly picked RQS as I got them in my last round and was happy with the genetics, they were also one of the 40% breeders, so bonus. The Kush is just for some nice dense buds, the power flower seemed like a nice hash producer and the White Widows were only available in autos, but I like messing with them once in a while.

The Legendary OG Punch is just a beautiful strain, and paid out the butt for these ones.

I’ve grown some Canuk seeds before, the autos went south on me, but that could have been grower problems, but free is free.