I don’t understand anything, but lmao that third stanza
Guy on the right, looking at the camera,
“I’m the cook.”This dudes just like “hey let me rest under this cow for a while”
The text in the upper right says “The Prince of Orange did milk the cow” or something to that effect. I assume that’s the guy under the cow.
FWIW the Prince of Orange was the guy in charge in Holland, and I think that the guy riding the cow was the Spanish Emperor, which was either the ruler of the Netherlands or at war with them at the time of this political cartoon.
Not longe time since I saw a cowe did Flanders represente. Upon whose backe Kinge Phillip rode as being malecontent.
The Queene of England giving hay wheare on the cow did feede. As one that was her greatest helpe in her distresse and neede.
The Prince of Orange milky the cow and made his purse the payle. The cow did shyt in monsieurs hand while he did hold her tayle.