I would like to apply the next code only when using X11:

/* Remove unwanted margin of menupopup just in linux */
    @media (-moz-platform: linux) {
        #appMenu-popup {
            --panel-shadow-margin: 0px !important;
            --panel-padding-block: 0px !important;

this code when using Wayland makes the popup unaligned.

  • @MrOtherGuyM
    110 days ago

    I doubt there’s any way for css to really distinguish between the two. But few things come to mind that I could believe might be usable as a proxy; perhaps there is a pref that is set only in wayland or only in x11 systems, or perhaps the window has some attribute set only in one of the two modes. If nothing else, you could invent a pref and use that to manually select when your rules should apply.

    • @GodieOP
      110 days ago

      I see, thanks for the answer. 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼