I’m not really sure what Monolith has been doing since Shadow of Mordor 2 in 2017. It’s been 8 years. Have they been working on this Wonder Woman game that entire time? The first movie came out in 2017…
Might be why it got shuttered, if they weren’t making good progress. If you can’t release a game and bring in money, how can they pay you money?
There was a wonder woman game?
It was gonna use the nemesis system too
At least it’ll be easy to boycott this shitty company; they may have a stranglehold on some great IPs, but corporate greed has killed their ability to make good games.
If a miracle happens and they accidentally shit out something worthwhile, I’ll find a copy sailing the seven seas, then donate directly to the dev teams. WB is not getting any more of my money.
RIP Monolith…