[alt text: A picture of Hillary Duff seeming fallen over with roller skates. Text is present with various fonts and colors across the picture that reads: “If Sexuality was a choice I’d be gayer”]

  • @[email protected]
    23 days ago

    Given the problems it has caused and continues to cause, if sexuality was a choice I’d probably go for ace/aroace.

  • I got myself a new pair of rollerblades a few years ago after not having rollerblades since I was 15 or so. Figured it was like riding a bike.

    It’s not like riding a bike. I forgot how to keep my balance. 😩

    • Peachy [They/She]OPM
      12 days ago

      I love seeing people with wheels on their feet. Makes me so happy to see people using skates or blades around my neighborhood. It’s hard to go back if you’re not using them at least once a year.

  • @ebolapie
    13 days ago

    Her orange slices still have the peel on them. Did she just rob a bar

    • @[email protected]
      13 days ago

      Every orange slice I’ve ever eaten still has the peel on it. They’re much easier to cut and handle and store that way. It would just be wet slop if you took the peel off.

      • @ebolapie
        2 days ago

        Do you not peel the orange first and then separate it into sections? I mean clearly, that’s rhetorical. I’ve just never actually taken a knife to an orange I intend to snack on

        • @[email protected]
          12 days ago

          I mean, it’s been a while since I e just eaten an orange, I always have my oranges in slices, and the peel is always on it because that makes it much easier to eat and store. I know I peel my mandarins and clementines and eat them section by section, but I don’t remember whole oranges having such an easy time separating out into discrete sections