either this is an AI mock-up of a tattoo, or heaven forbid, it’s a tattoo of an AI image.
I’d guess it is an actual tattoo given that the hair is shaved in the region and there is longer hair on the right side of the photo.
What makes you think the source image was AI generated? The lack of symmetry?
The whole thing just kinda reeks of AI gen tbh, the guard and handle in particular are a blurry, undetailed, mess that match a lot of the telltale signs of AI generated images. The lack of symmetry is also a simple tell, particularly in a design like this, both the master sword and the hylian crest are extremely symmetrical, it would be an odd choice to get a tattoo of all things looking that uneven. The blade of the sword isn’t even straight, I don’t think any self-respecting tattoo artist would ever allow their client to walk away with something that sloppy.
Compare the details on the post image to this actual tattoo of a similar design, https://www.tiktok.com/@hughes_tattoos/video/7406277213949103392 It might look crude in some parts but the details are very clear and instantly recognisable.