In every game. Nothing specific. Everyone higher than me is a sweat, everyone below is stupid.

    • slazer2au
      34 hours ago

      Or your friends start getting sweaty.

  • @[email protected]
    76 hours ago

    I climbed to gold once in StarCraft 2 by worker rushing every single game. I still have no idea how to play an RTS competitively. I was inspired by reading this hilarious blog post back in the day of a guy hardstuck in plat that decided to just worker rush until he was bronze

    Besides cheesing in SC2, I’m gold 2 in Overwatch mostly because I’m comfortable with fps games and I try to plug in whatever gaps our team has. I only voice comm constructive things. The second I get a team where it’s just complaining I mute and try to win without voice comms. If I lose 3 games in a row that’s it, I take a break.

  • @De_Narm
    87 hours ago

    Honestly, it’s the right image for both. At least for team based games. The first thing that comes to mind are unpleasent people when I hear ladder.

    • @not_that_guy05
      36 hours ago

      This is why I have incoming to 0. You wanna talk shit, you can type it. I ain’t listening to preteens or hormone riddled teens scream like they got a carrot shoved up their ass.

    • @[email protected]
      26 hours ago

      Destiny 2 for me. Unless I’m playing with friends (never happens because they hate comp and trials), I just keep my voice muted. They don’t need to hear me raging, I don’t need them making me feel worse than I already do. The text chat is bad enough.