Was wondering about this and how it might not be the same as ones first system played. (let’s not count general dice or battle maps etc. this time)

For me it might be either Mouse Guard 2e boxed set or DnD 5e Tomb of Annihilation book.

  • Ziggurat
    37 days ago

    I started a while ago when I was young with some hand-copied extract from AD&D2 copied from the notes of my friends who copied-it on photocopies from his friend with tons of house rule/homebrew at each copy.

    Then, played a lot Warhammer FRPG, and finally got some money to buy Nightprowler a french game about thieves in a large city.

  • @GCanuck
    17 days ago

    1st edition. (I’m old.)

    I played more 2nd edition in grade school, and moved on to Palladium in high school. I liked Palladium more.

  • @twocupsofsugar
    17 days ago

    first game i ever played was Tales of the Loop, at the time i was too intimidated by D&D’s ruleset

  • @[email protected]
    78 days ago

    I got the D&D 3e books when I was a kid. I completely, deeply, uncritically loved them. Read them cover to cover. Spent a lot of time drawing nonsense dungeon maps and coming up with terrible ideas.

    I remember I went to some game shop in some local mall and asked the guy for advice. He was like, “yeah i don’t know, but that guy’s into it” and pointed me to some customer who was a mega D&D nerd. He was surprisingly patient with my youthful excitement. I remember being like “So I can just… do anything in the game? I can be like, you kill the orc and his eyes are magic??” The guy was like … i can’t remember exactly what he said, but it was something like “You can, but probably don’t spend a lot of time on minutia. You probably don’t want your players spending 30 minutes checking every single trinket and orc body part for secret magic.”

    I don’t really like D&D/its close relatives much anymore, but like many people it was my entry point.

  • @[email protected]
    67 days ago

    WEG Star Wars 2nd edition Revised and Expanded.

    My roommate and I split the cost, and when we moved I kept it. It’s still one of my prized possessions.

  • Metostopholes
    58 days ago

    Call of Cthulhu sourcebook (Ed 5.6.1) and a set of dice. Bought from a little shelf of RPG books at my local comic book shop. Was also the first system I played.

  • @[email protected]
    8 days ago

    Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set

    Don’t know what revision, though.

    goes looking through cover art of different revisions

    I believe it was the 1983 revision.

    • @[email protected]
      7 days ago

      My father started us on the first edition of the Dark Eye (from his own uni days). I started to play that with my friends when I was about 16. Another friend borrowed us his books for the fourth edition. The first books I bought myself were the revised fourth edition.

  • tiberius
    48 days ago

    I was gifted a D&D Monster Manual Core III. Found the pictures and descriptions interesting. Stat blocks were gibberish in my ignorant eyes.

  • @[email protected]
    47 days ago

    I think it must have been Xananthar’s for D&D 5e. I’d been playing for ages, but that was the first book I wanted a physical copy of. I have a copy of the Player’s Handbook as well now, and more recently, I bought the FFXIV TTRPG, as well as the Star Trek Adventures: Lower Decks splatbook. Everything else is digital or improvised

  • @[email protected]
    48 days ago

    I started with Robotech, then I worked up to Rifts, and Shadowrun. I didn’t jump onto the fantasy-only train until Stranger Things got a bunch of my peeps into TTRPGs.

  • nocturne
    48 days ago

    That I owned personally, I think it was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness. If not that, then it was Palladium Fantasy RPG.

  • HubertManne
    38 days ago

    friend had the boxed basic dnd where race was a class so you could be the fighter, cleric, magic user, thief, dwarf, or elf. something like that. Im not sure we were not even playing it right. I swear star frontiers may have been the second one.