I’m feeling unwell that the game won’t run for me
If you steal enough Pokemon models, the Porygon curse carries over.
MHW pc version is atrocious. I have 32gb ram and a 2070, runs at 50fps on lowest settings while looking like ass
World both ran better and looked better, it’s amazing how a company can backtrack on progress so easily
It could definitely use some optimization. I’m getting 50-70FPS with a 9900k and a 3070ti. Graphics on high, with DLSS. We’ll see how it goes. It’s very playable but I’d love to see 90+FPS like I’m used to.
Edit: The game is gorgeous for me, I’m not surprised older builds are struggling. I didn’t mean to be a dick about it.
For me it’s unplayable. It runs fine but so many textures are just flickering the whole time. I requested a refund and I’ll wait to find out if the problems are fixed. I had to run the game in Windows 8 compatability mode or it would crash on startup too. My drivers are all up to date it just sucks it runs like ass.
I was very confused for a second because of the acronym. It doesn’t run well for me, also on a 2070, but it’s light years ahead of the open beta, in my experience.
Hopefully they fix all the bullshit that’s slowing our machines down. I believe World also had a pretty bad launch, but I didn’t play it until Iceborne released. And yeah, World runs beautifully on my hardware as well.
For clarity, I think Palworld is not the developer of MHW? It’s just a bunch of people calling out to go play the new game, so some companies are just giving everyone the day off.
So, you’re saying this article is both a complete waste of readers’ time AND a lukewarm shite ordered by mgmt to meet quota, keeping their owners “in the news”?
Hunh. That tracks.
I read it as more of a funny piece of news showing the end result of gamers calling out sick to play a new game en masse.
Something something corporations capitalism consumerism
Ok bub
Jeez you’re really stretching to make this funny little story into something negative.
it’s hard work but someone has to do it
Hehe, nice to see some happy news 😊