I have 17 pairs. That sounds like a lot but I could go for a couple more pairs if I’m being honest. Like a third of them are Converse, too; I can’t help myself.
4: 2 Pairs of street shoes, 1 Pair of Sandals, 1 Fancy Pair I didn’t wear for years
4, if sandals count. Otherwise 3.
Two pairs of sneakers, a pair of steel toes work boots, and a pair of sandals. Only reason I even have two pairs of sneakers is because I thought I had lost one shoe from one of the pairs and bought another pair before finding the missing shoe.
4 or 5. Winter boots, sneakers, suit shoes, inside sports and flippers if they count.
I really don’t need any more than that.
6 pairs
Yep I have too many (although I don’t think I’m at 17), in order of time spent wearing:
Smart black work shoes Slippers Crossover walking shoe/trainers Casual trainers Gym trainers Outdoor working shoes Golf shoes Proper hiking boots Wellies Indoor football shoes Astro football shoes
I go through the work shoes probably 1 pair every 2 years or so. Slippers last maybe 12 months max, although I do wear them for jobs around the house. Everything else just lasts until it falls apart and gets replaced.
I think it’s fair to say that I prioritise function over form - maybe this is the wrong forum for me, but you did ask the question!
Running shoes, Iron rangers, hiking boots, dress shoes, mountaineering boots, and plus worn out pairs of sneakers and winter boots that I need to toss. 5 good, 2 bad, plus a pair of slippers if that counts.
Look at your own situation and judge what is the appropriate sum for yourself.
Technically 5, but 3 are old pairs that now get used for house/yard work. 1 pair is indoor only. And 1 pair that is nice enough to wear out.
4, that’s the most shoes i ever had
Are we counting the ones I can’t find?
At the moment I have:
- dark brown Chelsea boots
- black derby
- brown brogue derby
- dark blue boat shoes
- 2x older sneakers
- hiking trail shoes
- indoor running shoes
- flip flops
I want to find a good pair of loafers, and maybe eventually some Oxfords, but that’s about it.
My house shoes, my work boots, my hiking boots, my sneakers, my old work shoes. I used to have dress shoes as well but I broke them dancing a few months back. I need to replace them soon and may also get running shoes.
Oh, and a pair of flip-flops.
A pair of sandals, a pair of slides, and a pair of steel toe boots.
Most years I don’t buy any shoes, and I take good care of them and rotate them out, so they last me five years or more. I think I have three dressy pairs, two athletic pairs, and three regular cool guy shoes, and two sandals/flipflops. I feel like it’s too many.