Anyone who has to constantly tell us how much she loves her hair colour actually hates it and I’m very over it! Being a woman is all about the outside for this one! I don’t see any stories about personal growth, learning or helping others. It’s always me, me, me! How about going downtown and donating some nice shampoos. soaps, hygiene products to the women who aren’t as lucky? The thought would never cross her mind.
How can she not see that her very platform and constant beauty content is harmful in the way she describes magazines have been in the past. She filters out every single pore on her face. She’s paid for her face and her hair - none of it is what she was born with. I know these woman say they put on their make up every day for themselves as an act of self care…but they like looking at themselves through their cameras with full make up for a reason - it’s because they believe one is superior to the other. It’s just all so backwards. It reminds me of the housewives of the 50s who actually didn’t believe in woman voting, working and contributing. They had perfect hair, clothes and houses and other people raised their babies. Nothing wrong with that but it was based in woman not knowing their worth or believing they were more than tiny waists, perfect hair and make up. She’s just so ridiculous and shallow.
They were all on Valium to cope with their meaningless lives of servitude!
Two screen shots from today where her filter slips. One has skin texture and one is perfectly blurred and smooth. Why fake this is not to trick people into thinking you’re perfect.
Nice catch!!!
Damn all those facials endless supply of skin care and her skin looks like that still?
Selfie, selfie, selfie. This is all she does.
Her insta career is over. She literally does nothing!
God get OVER yourself!! You can literally hear your family in the background downstairs. Instead of constantly getting yourself all dolled up or taking selfies why the hell don’t you go spend quality time with your family?! Take your poor prison child out into this glorious sunshine! Bake a fucking cake with your teenagers! Something other than pampering yourself and your needs! God she’s insufferable!! *typing this while running out the door with my beautiful daughters to enjoy TIME with them!
Looks like she got all dolled up to checks notes sit on the sofa and watch a tv series. Poor prison child is all dressed up just to sit in doors for another day. What a pathetic family. Yet I see AJC was being hosted for a fun outdoor outing, looks like she’s getting all of birdies opportunities now.
Ya I saw, poor kid with her hair all done, dressed up and nowhere to go. Planted in front of the tv AGAIN
No surprise that on International Woman’s day this sorry example of womanhood is only talking about bodies and external beauty. Nothing about strength, intelligence or compassion.
Lmao. “See how it’s giving lip dimension” I mean all the filler you pump into the lips helps with that too I’m sure lol. Her always acting like she doesn’t get lip filler is hilarious.
My gosh she sure is obsessed with herself though. How many photos does she need to post of herself in a 20 min span??? It’s insane. We get it, you love your hair and your fake face.
Teetering on the MJ filter again
So obsessed. That’s all her content is… Selfies. Zzzzz
It really is. All she does is post selfies like “look how hot I am”, she’s so goddamn shallow. Who even cares about this woman anymore? She doesn’t post anything of significance except me me me, look at my lips, look at my hair, click my jeans link. Jfc.
Lmao see how it highlights the gaps at the corner of my mouth?
Cue the Saturday morning selfie(s)! I wonder what her busy schedule is today, lol
Jesus, not another foul looking dinner creation. Not even top of the line kitchen appliances can help these people.
I took the same sceeenshot! What is with these micro-meals? There are 6 people in that house! Turkey and sweet potato kinda gives me a ‘cutting calories’ vibe.
She’s 100% cutting more calories then taking. Her ideal body is someone struggling with cancer. She’s repulsive and needs to be pulled from the Internet . She’s toxic
Her content is so dry with nothing going on that she’s trying to be a cooking influencer now??? Bwhahaha. Fuck
It does look like there’s a sprinkling of something green over that mashed sweet potato so that’s ‘gourmet’!
She already tried that. Forkly. See how it did wonders for her cooking? It’s as dry as her content
Clutching her Pearls over a bumper sticker? This is the same pig who told who world she got banged on a rock at a local park and has the coordinates engraved into her wedding band. Sure BirdShit 🤡
The fact she probably had to pullover for a few mins to film this story is the dumbest part
It’s the biggest bunch of bs. This goof with her constant sexual innuendo‘s. Go gobble an Avocado Dirty Bird.
She’s just so gross!
She clearly does not think highly of her followers at all doing stuff like this. She friggin sucks
Happy fridayyyyy, here I am with my fake filtered face. Just what she needs is the weekend after doing nothing all week!!
Also when did her cheeks get sooooo puffy? She’s giving Disney mouse.
The coverup all over her collar…like I can’t believe she goes out like this
I wear turtlenecks a lot, and if I even smudge a teeny bit, I’ll change. What a slob!
Same! She’s just nasty
She’s always given me dirty bird vibes.
It’s so odd that she looks so different than she did last night. 🤔
That nose piercing placement always strikes me as odd. It’s so far forward. Isn’t it?!
Busy day of shopping. Pretending that she makes coffee and cares where it is made.
Bet she didn’t even buy it. Just acted like she cared and put it back on the shelf
Forsure lol
Shut up Sarah, you just like the pink
She’s cray-cray.
Who’s face is this lol.
That’s not the skinny bitch face she’s been sporting !
Not even close… The nose, the lips (they look absolutely botched) and the jawline.
“I don’t filter”….okay….
This is wild. Like, come on.
She’s a LIAR! This catch is IG verse Reality worthy. 😂
I give permission for anybody to use this. I’m not the greatest Reddit user
Lmfao. Fraud she is!
This is too funny.
This woman is the biggest attention whore. The story asking Shame to be embarrassed with her was just laughable! She’s not embarrassed or she wouldn’t have chosen this character. She wants all eyes on her at the restaurant. What is going on with her voice lately? It is just off the charts annoying.
I truly don’t get her embarrassed act whatsoever, she absolutely loves to be seen and be centre of attention. She was acting so weird. I bet she’s annoyed RR had the audacity to have a Disney themed bday so she was doing anything to act like a brat.
If anyone SHOULD be embarrassed it’s her husband who is a major simp going out on Thursday night dressed like an absolute fool lol. God I’d never make my SO do any of this.
Me, Me, Me
Jawline isn’t jawlining…
Why did she want or need to be embarrassed?! She is such a loser. I bet she secretly hates that her friends are ‘taking’ Disney from her, as that is such a large chunk of her entire identity.
The way she looks NOTHING like the videos she posts is hilarious.
She’s really pushing the PMDD again. She truly has nothing going on when she has to revert back to something like this. She’s probably about to have a sofa watch or something because she has no trips or events lined up. She really only brings up PMDD when she has nothing going on in her life.
“Guys I’m suffering so much”….uh no, that wasn’t good. Take two “Guuuyyyysss, I’m suffering sooo much….” Yes. That sounds better. Edit, filter, upload. I know when I’m having episodes, I can’t even think of picking up a phone, let alone do what it takes to record, filter, edit, upload. Such a fraud.
I’m sorry you suffer with PMDD. Have you ever just tried choosing joy? Bird says this is the best way to overcome it. /s
I shouldn’t laugh, but literally made me LOL so much
Will it be called a sectional watch this time around? WTF was with her voice today? Who’s she trying to be now?
She’s so friggin boring.
I thought she cured herself after proudly announcing she’s not on any meds in France. I guess she can’t make up her mind. Oh I get it, she can just flip like a switch.
As always, can’t keep her stories straight.
Also, her big fake Disney princess eyes were driving me nuts in this video!! How do people think she’s so real?? It couldn’t be more obvious she uses filters.
Right! And slanted af lol
Facts. Maybe she should stop filtering as much as this video. Literally looks nothing like her real face.
Seriously. Like whose face is THAT smooth?? Literally not a pore or wrinkle in sight. People are so dumb to fall for this.
Someone is coming for the girls favorite Med Spa in the Guelph sub.
These are some serious allegations!
Sounds like a pretty disgusting company. I would have had no idea if I didn’t see this post. There is like 30 comments now.
Why is she promoting hatching eggs?? And why is she hatching eggs in the first place? Does she realize those are gonna be living creatures which she’s gonna have to take care for years and years?? And now promoting it and some of her stupid ass followers gonna do it also and not realizing the stuff I just listed and KABOOM there’s dozens of birds without proper care and abandoned when the first excitement wears off.
Definitely nothing going on… you wouldn’t be able to leave for a trip with this thing in your house, right? Wait what am I thinking… of course she can, she will leave it to be someone else’s responsibility like her already-hatched children
WTF is she even going on about? What exactly makes her superior?
Nothing except her own inflated sense of self makes her superior! She thinks she chooses funny songs for her reels but I don’t ever recall thinking she was clever. Ever!
Pretty sure she chooses songs based off of what’s trending. Unoriginal Barbie ✌️
So so dry. Didn’t she have to buy a calendar to keep track of her super busy boss babe lifestyle?
Seriously, tell everyone you have nothing going on without actually saying it. Her followers have to see it, you can’t not notice someone consistently in their home/lounging/on their couch despite how much you might love and worship the person.
She probably bought it so everyone in the house knows when her cycle is and they can act accordingly.
Is she trying to get her followers to tell her she looks like Kate Hudson? I think that she thinks she does and now she wants some validation. FTR - I think she looks nothing like Ms Hudson!
Always talking about the super important issues. Hey Sarah did you clean your bedroom yet?
Exactly! The president of France and the German Chancellor are telling their people to be prepared for war. China has said it’s ready for war - trade or otherwise. Russia just keeps raining bolbs down on Ukraine and the devastation in the Middle East continues while this woman talks about hatching chicks, butter yellow and long pants. It hurts my brain!
Katea lips aren’t migrating to under her nose lol
Is she recording every interaction she has with any one of her children? Her tone when speaking with her son isn’t one a mother should use. She sounded so condescending.
Complains about judging comments left for her on socials. Does the exact thing to her own son.
Add baggy long pants to the list of shit she keeps repeatedly bringing up that nobody gives a shit about.