At long last I’m finally switching operating system for my gaming PC. I have a lot of photos and such saved that have been moved from an NTFS drive. Is there any tool out there to help me fix the permissions of these files according to file type in bulk?

  • @FauxLiving
    101 day ago

    Your things may be owned by root and have unusual permissions.

    So, to make your NTFS drive be owned by your user and group and to set the permissions you can:

    # Change owner to user:user
    sudo chown -R username:group your_directory
    # Change permissions to default (typically 755 for directories and 644 for files)
    # For directories
    find your_directory -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
    find your_directory -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
  • Consti
    91 day ago

    If you need finer control than recursive chmod (see other replies), you can also use find to match precisely which files/folders you want and use the -exec parameter to run chmod on those

    • @stuner
      1 day ago

      I wanted to write the same thing. E.g., you can run this in bash to set the permissions for all .conf files to 600:

      find /mnt/the/directory -iname "*.conf" -exec chmod 600 {} \;
  • @[email protected]
    1 day ago

    Not like you need another utility to do this, but I highly recommend you checkout fd. It’s badass;

    fd -e jpg -e png -e webp -x chmod newuser:newuser

    -e jpg is clearly the file extensions you want, -x is to execute a command with each result. You can also use -X which executes a command using all the files found as a single argument;

    fd -e conf -X rm # delete all .conf files in one command versions an rm command for each file found

  • Shadow
    61 day ago

    Chmod works recursively.

    What modes exactly are you trying to set? Why do you need different perms based on the file type?