Use this thread for general daily football discussion.

This thread can also be used to discuss Transfer rumours and to post Tier 4 sources.

  • @AstrealixM
    216 hours ago

    Ok, re: the Forest Match ratings, I see a few solutions:

    1. I skip out on these ratings, and we end up one match short in the season
    2. I find some time later in the week (probably after the PSV match, I’ve got a good bit of stuff on my plate) to force myself to sit through a 0-0 draw and make ratings
    3. I just post it based on one person’s thoughts
    4. I combine it with some other ratings from, say, Arseblog.


    • lilpatchy2eyes
      148 minutes ago

      Are the player ratings posts meaningfully different from the post-match discussions about the team’s performance? It seems there just isn’t a ton of interest in filling out the google survey after every game, especially when we lose and people don’t want to think about the performance anymore.

    • Nuggsy
      14 hours ago

      Mmm… regarding 2: forcing yourself is extra time you may not have to dedicate. Doesn’t seem like a viable solution.

      I would say maybe 3 or 4.