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Today I’m reading.
09/29/09- "WV: Hit escape.” (/homestuck/712) to 10/01/09 - “[S] WV: Lead your men to victory!” (/homestuck/721)”
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We are still with our Wayward Vagabond (WV), the newly self declared mayor of Can Town. WV has recently discovered a stash of energy drinks and has consumed a rock of uranium. This guy is feeling pretty good. Having discovered that the buttons on the keyboard open caches, WV tries the escape key.
The escape opens the command history. We are able to see commands made before WV discovers the displays. There are some commands listed, HOME, VIEW, SWITCH (1-4), ESC, LOCK ROOM (with password).
VW uses SWITCH 2. He is able to see a garbled image of a wizard. It looks like one we have seen in Rose’s home. Also, commands are all locked for this view. View 3 is Dave. But, Dave is holding a broken sword over a destroyed Cal. He is also standing next to what appears to be a game sprite of a bird with a sword through it. Damn WV dropping spoilers on us. WV refused to check view 4 to avoid confusion.
Using HOME WV now sees a countdown. 4 hours 13 minutes. I mean the planet is already a desert of ruins. Another apocalypse can’t do much worse right?. This also locks WV out of making any further commands. But having no idea what that countdown can mean, WV returns to his Mayoral duties.
Despite seemingly having no idea what chess is, WV makes the can into chess pieces and plays a game with himself. He does this for over 4 hours.
Till tomorrow, keep riding the pumpkin tide.