• IHeartBadCode
    4219 hours ago

    Does a single district court judge who likely lacks jurisdiction have the unchecked power to compel the government of the United States to pay out (and probably lose forever) 2 billion taxpayer dollars? The answer to that question should be an emphatic ‘No,’ but a majority of this court apparently thinks otherwise

    — Justice Alito’s dissent

    The answer is “FUCKING YES”. The Court is a co-equal branch to the President and Congress. The Courts have just as much right indicating that the President must uphold contractual obligations as Congress has the power to pass a budget and the President to distribute that funding to the States.

    Yes, yes, FUCKING YES, the Courts have this power. The “CHECK” if there is to be one is for Congress to rescind the funding by law. THAT’S FUCKING CHECK DIPSHIT!!! It’s not unchecked, if Congress passes a law indicating that the contracts are pulled, then ta-da, what the Judge said is moot. That’s the FUCKING CHECK!!

    Goddamn it, I hate it when these Justices say stupid shit because of their fucking bias and love of Trump’s cock. Just what a fucking moronic statement by Alito. If the Government wants to cancel contracts, Congress has to grant that power. That’s the check on the President. If the President fucking cancels contracts without that power, the Courts can mandate that the contracts be paid, that’s the check on the President. If the President doesn’t like what the Courts say, then they can go to Congress for the authority, and that’s the check on the Courts.

    It’s all fucking balanced. What an absolute pile of shit Alito has offered up in this dissent. And what’s worse is that he’d be totally complicit to remand to the lower courts had it been Biden pulling this shit. Suddenly the whole “impoundment” issue would manifest for the Courts.

    What an absolute fucking naked ass corrupt pile of horse shit that dissent is. Goddamn, there is zero legitimacy left in that sack of shit that calls itself Samuel Anthony Alito Jr. “UNCHECKED POWER” my fucking ass. What complete horse shit. This fucking country is a goddamn failure.

    • @[email protected]
      710 hours ago

      Alito absolutely needs to be impeached and disbarred for his blatant lack of knowledge surrounding this situation. If he is unable to recognize that federal funding is literally just a law, and a federal judge absolutely has the authority to uphold the law, he does not belong anywhere near the legal system.

    • @[email protected]
      1118 hours ago

      I mean I always wondered about some of their integrity, especially when judge Thomas was shown to have accepted presents repeatedly and „failed to disclose them“ and nothing really happened.

  • @vegetaOP
    19 hours ago

    The WOKE supreme court is trying to prevent a DUALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT from exercising his CONSTITUTIONALLY GIVEN POWERS. They should either RESIGN OR BE IMPEACHED. We will FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT, and appeal this to the Super Supreme Court.


    • nocturne
      3119 hours ago

      It is sad that this could either be real, or you made it up… both are equally believable.

      • @[email protected]
        1619 hours ago

        The only part that let me know it was satire is “Super Supreme Court.” Even Trump’s not that dumb.

        • @[email protected]
          29 hours ago

          Well he might have just signed an Executive Order creating a Super Supreme Court with his appointments, so that any disagreement between the president and the SC can be resolved there.

      • @Remember_the_tooth
        -218 hours ago

        Trump’s Speech on the Supreme Court Decision

        (Delivered at a Rally in Florida, March 5th, 2025)

        Ladies and gentlemen, thank you! Thank you! What an incredible crowd we have here tonight. The biggest crowd. I’ve seen a lot of rallies, folks, but this one? This is special. We’ve got patriots, we’ve got hard-working Americans, and we’ve got people who love their country—something that, by the way, the radical left and these corrupt institutions absolutely do not understand.

        And let me tell you, folks, we are in a fight. A big fight. The biggest fight we’ve ever had. Maybe even bigger than 2016, maybe even bigger than 2020, when, you know, they did a lot of things—bad things, very bad things. But now, we’re seeing something that nobody ever thought possible. The Supreme Court—you know, the Supreme Court that we worked so hard to fix, to make strong, to make fair—they’re trying to stop a duly elected president from exercising his constitutionally given powers. Can you believe that? Can you believe it?

        Now, let me tell you what’s happening. This is a Supreme Court that we thought was on the side of law and order, on the side of the people, on the side of America. But it turns out, folks, that we’ve got a problem. A big problem. Because they’ve gone woke! That’s right. The woke mob has taken over everything, folks. It’s in our schools, it’s in our military, and now, it’s in our Supreme Court.

        They don’t want us to govern. They don’t want a strong America. They want America last, not America first. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. And so, they come in, they make these ridiculous rulings, rulings that make absolutely no sense, rulings that are designed to weaken the president, weaken the presidency, and weaken our country.

        And now, folks, they’re telling me—me, your president—that I don’t have the authority to do what the Constitution says I can do. The Constitution, folks, the greatest document ever written. Maybe the Bible is a little ahead, but the Constitution? A close second. A close second! And they are trampling all over it.

        So let me tell you what I think. These justices, these so-called justices, they should resign. Or maybe they should be impeached. What do you think? (Crowd chants “Impeach! Impeach!”) Yeah, I think so too. Because let me tell you something, when the highest court in the land starts making decisions that hurt the American people, that hurt our country, that hurt our ability to govern properly, then they have to go. It’s that simple. They have to go!

        We cannot let this stand, folks. We can’t. Because if we do, then we no longer have a country. It’s very simple. No borders, no law, no order, no country. And you know who’s happy about this? China. Oh, they love it. Russia? They love it. The globalists, the deep state, the radical left—they’re all laughing at us right now. They’re saying, “Wow, we got them again!”

        But let me tell you something, folks. We are not going to let them get away with it. No, no, no. We are going to fight. And we’re going to fight like we’ve never fought before. We’re going to fight, fight, fight!

        And I’ll tell you what else we’re going to do. We’re going to appeal this ridiculous, disgraceful decision. We’re going to take it all the way. We’re going to appeal it to the Super Supreme Court! That’s right, the Super Supreme Court!

        Now, some people are saying, “Mr. President, is there a Super Supreme Court?” Well, maybe there should be! Maybe we need one! Because let me tell you, folks, when the regular Supreme Court gets it wrong, when they start playing politics instead of following the law, then we need to go a step higher. A step bigger. A step better. That’s what we do, folks. We build things bigger and better than anybody else.

        And let me tell you something else. This is not just about me. This is about you. This is about every hardworking American who wants a government that actually works for them, not against them.

        Because when the Supreme Court says that your president can’t do his job, when they say that we have to bow down to the bureaucrats, to the corrupt politicians, to the special interests, then what do we have left? We have nothing!

        But I have a message for them, and it’s a very simple one: We will never surrender. We will never stop fighting. And we will take back our country!

        Because you see, folks, this is bigger than one ruling. This is bigger than one decision. This is about the entire system that they are trying to rig against us. You’ve seen it. You’ve lived it.

        We saw it in 2016 when they said we couldn’t win. We won. We saw it in 2020 when they did, let’s just say, “interesting things” to make sure we didn’t win. But guess what? We’re coming back. And in 2024, we won again. They don’t want to admit it, but we did. And now, they’re trying to stop us from governing.

        But here’s the thing, folks. They can try all they want, but they will not stop us. Not now, not ever. Because we have something they don’t have. We have the people! (Crowd erupts in cheers.) That’s right!

        You are the movement. You are the revolution. You are the reason why we are going to win this fight. Because you love America. Because you want law and order. Because you want common sense. And I’ll tell you what, that’s exactly what we’re going to give you.

        So here’s what we’re going to do. First, we’re going to keep fighting this terrible, horrible ruling. We’re going to push back harder than ever before.

        Second, we’re going to make sure that in 2026, we elect a Congress that actually works for the American people. We’re going to take back the Senate, we’re going to grow our majority in the House, and we’re going to start holding these corrupt people accountable.

        And third, we are going to win in 2028. We are going to win so big, folks, they won’t even know what hit them. They’ll be crying. They’ll be shaking. Because they know that when we win, America wins.

        So let me just say this to the Supreme Court, to the deep state, to the radical left, to the corrupt media who lies about us every single day: We are not going anywhere. We are here to stay. And we will never stop fighting for the America we love.

        Because together, we will Make America Great Again!

        Thank you, Florida! I love you! God bless you, and God bless the United States of America!

        (Crowd erupts into chants of “USA! USA! USA!”)

        This has been a fake, AI-generated speech. I should not have to write this caveat, but here we are.

    • @TommySoda
      719 hours ago

      Did he actually say that? If not, well done. If he did, I’m not even slightly surprised.

  • @PattyMcB
    419 hours ago

    So Trump doesn’t want to pay workers for work that’s already been done? Sounds like his usual MO

  • Nougat
    318 hours ago

    Now let’s see what happens when Little t ignores the court. (Narrator: Nothing will happen.)

  • LasherzM
    218 hours ago

    Alito has a brain worm or something with that stupid ass dissent.

  • Jesus
    218 hours ago

    Crazy that 4 of these assholes thought it was cool to stiff people for work they already did. WTF.