Makes you wonder just how many of the others will begin the same crap.
I dropped every streaming sub except my crunchyroll sub. It got too difficult to juggle between the services. At one time I had Hulu, Paramount(free through employer), Netflix, Prime and funimation, and STILL struggled to find services to watch what I wanted to watch when I wanted to.
It’s disappointing to hear that we have basically gone full circle though, this was the reason everyone left cable tv, a bunch of packages that really don’t fit any specific persons needs.
I use a combination of an emulation box for games and rotate services per month. Only two paid at a time.
Wild that crunchyroll is the one you keep…
it’s because it was grandfathered in from the funimation purchase, I watch a lot of anime so it’s still worth it for me, plus I have a legacy plan, when I lose that plan I will likely cancel that as well.
Cable 2.0. God I am sick of all of this.
It is more like Netflix catching up to the other straming services tiered pricing and cross provider packages. Like how you can add starz content to hbo or whatever the current arrangements are. Netflix is just doing the same kind of thing in house which is shitty, but similar enough to be the same kind of shitty thing at least to me.
Definitely sad to see what was originally a low priced universal streaming service go down the shitter with the rest because number line must go up instead of just being consistely profitable.
Someone should start up an old style netflix where they just mail you DVDs to borrow.
I can help as I habe roughly 2k videos total on dvd and bluray.