• @Wispy2891
    432 minutes ago

    In my country since the government privatized a part of postal service, the quality of service heavily declined to the point that now is almost guaranteed that they will “lose” your letter if you send it in a place that will cost too much to deliver

  • @[email protected]
    92 hours ago

    This has been a fever dream of Republicans for my entire life. Looks like they just may get it this time.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    42 hours ago

    This is exactly the shit that will give permanent erections to the cons.

    And people should not call this shit “Trumpism” - this is who the Republicans are and what the Republican project has always been. They HATE the idea of a functioning society for all. Next up, we’re going to hear how education should be handed over to the Devos family. You know, for “choice”.

    • @[email protected]
      52 hours ago

      Definitely, I live in a very rural area of the country I think it might be one of the most rural places in the lower 48 states. And we heavily depend on the postal service to get things that we simply don’t have here. This will totally cripple my town and 99% of the people here will blame it on woke.

  • @SolidShake
    53 hours ago

    try it. no one will use it then.

  • @NatakuNox
    105 hours ago

    The post office would take an act of congress.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      72 hours ago

      Whole lotta shit happening right now that should take an act of congress. Seems to make no difference.

    • @T00l_shed
      154 hours ago

      Nah, not anymore, just an XO and the little fascists will make it happen.

  • @[email protected]
    316 hours ago

    You know who wants to replace the postal service? Amazon. They have delivery vehicles, lockers, and so on. They have been building towards it for years. I’m sure an attack on the postal service would leave Amazon on top, and I bet it’s a plan in the works.

    As for Amtrak, maybe musk wants to swallow it up with his boring company.

    • @jj4211
      196 hours ago

      Actually they don’t, they want to replace fedex and UPS.

      No one wants the business of daily letter service.

      • @Zron
        235 hours ago

        What people who want to gut the postal service don’t understand is that it’s a fucking service.

        The USPS does last mile delivery for all courier agencies. FedEx and UPS won’t pay a driver to deliver your dildo out to your cabin in bumfuck Nebraska, but the USPS will, along with your tax documents, bank statements, and anything else you need.

        If you get rid of USPS, you’re cutting anyone who isn’t in a major city off from not only packages, but critical documents.

        • @[email protected]
          3 hours ago

          It is insane to me when people complain about the failure of a public service to turn a profit as if that’s some kind of bad or unexpected outcome.

          Services cost money to operate for the benefit of those using them. That is literally the point.

          • @CharlesDarwin
            12 hours ago

            Yes, the Republican con has been to compare government to a household budget and/or corporations, and it’s just so very stupid.

        • @NotMyOldRedditName
          2 hours ago

          nah, they’d then require someone else who takes on the private company to do it, give them 10 billion dollars to ensure the infrastructure remains and the service is provided, and then they would still refuse to do it but somehow use all the money anyway.

        • @[email protected]
          12 hours ago

          I had to ups a document recently certified delivery but the company i was doing business with refuses to receive usps mail. It cost me $50 to send a fucking letter. I was so pissed.

  • @Itdidnttrickledown
    136 hours ago

    As long as they pay out the full pension to all the employee’s. After every postal employee’s pension is fully funded.

    • @T00l_shed
      104 hours ago

      Lol, you know they wouldn’t

      • @Itdidnttrickledown
        12 hours ago

        Of course not. Its been the dream of these scumbags for decades to get their hooks in to all that pension money and screw over the postal workers. They forget the term going postal exist for a reason.

  • @Bathilda_Bagshot
    136 hours ago

    They want to eliminate or control the Postal Service so that they can eliminate mail-in voting. Their added bonus is padding the pockets of fellow millionaires and billionaires.

  • Match!!
    1719 hours ago

    fuck no, nationalize spacex and starlink

    • @Davin
      177 hours ago

      Everything that has been privatized, has ended up costing us more for shittier service. This will not be different.

      • @[email protected]
        179 hours ago

        They’re all shit too. Fat lot of good privatization would do. USPS was Cool and Good until DeJoy was dropped in to throw wrenches into the cogs.

        • @[email protected]
          138 hours ago

          UPS is actually fairly reliable. FedEx is hit and miss depending on the driver coverage area you’re in, DHL and others just don’t even exist.

          USPS has always been great, but primarily for handling “last mile” where a lot of customers need reliable delivery of low monetary value packages like letters that UPS isn’t set to handle, but carry some of the most important lifelines of information to rural and poor Americans.

          • @[email protected]
            28 hours ago

            UPS has always been hit or miss at best in my experience, but of the three, I’ll concede that it’s the least garbage. The other two have delivered packages to the wrong house—not as in like, “next door” wrong house, but as in “some house miles away” wrong house—or they sometimes just flat out don’t deliver a package and return it to the sender. If they do deliver a package, it’s rarely on time.

            As for USPS, nowadays, my wife has tracked packages to see that they are brought to our local mail sorting facility, but then for some bizarre, inexplicable reason, they’re sent off elsewhere, even to another state, before being delivered here days later than the estimated delivery date. I have no idea what the hell is happening, but it’s insane and insanely stupid. And I know who is to blame, at least with this service anyway.

            • @[email protected]
              12 hours ago

              DeJoy got rid of around 1/3 of the mail sorting machines, so now they have to fake it or something. They cannot keep up with the volume of mail, is my guess.

    • Nougat
      5110 hours ago

      I’d bet he wants to take over Amtrak so he can replace it with that stupid Las Vegas car tunnel.

      • @ZILtoid1991
        113 minutes ago

        Or replace it with nothing, because “railways and mass transit are obsolete” (translation: “they’re hurting my car sales”).

    • @Arbiter
      169 hours ago

      I dare say everything should be nationalized as a civil service.

  • @[email protected]
    6 hours ago

    my personal conspiracy theory is that Amtrak exists solely to make train travel look bad, driving up private car sales.

    I had a long career in ecommerce and the amtrak website has been annoying to book train rides on for the entirety of its existence. It would be trivial to improve it in any number of ways but it’s got (and maintains) the design patterns of a captive audience portal like ssa.gov instead of doing anything that removes barriers to purchase.

    While it’s possible they have just had the same not very good at their job person for the entirety of the sites history (decades now) i very much doubt it. The company’s site today gives the same feel as when it started; they really don’t care if you buy a ticket or not and they aren’t really going to do much to help you do it.

    • @MajorasMaskForever
      142 minutes ago

      The conspiracy theory isn’t that the automotive industry makes them look bad, it’s the rail owners.

      Real: Amtrak doesn’t own any rails, they lease them and legally are supposed to have right of way on tracks unless the owner/operators of the rail currently have their own train that’s too big for the bypasses.

      Conspiracy: Rail owners make Amtrak experience so painful that it drives down usage so Amtrak runs fewer and fewer trains, so they can be less of a nuisance to them or outright get rid of the service line and they get to completely ignore Amtrak

    • @[email protected]
      22 hours ago

      You aren’t wrong, BUT Amtrak does a decent job maintaining their trains and service despite the odds.

      Amtrak recently received a huge infusion of funding under biden so of course trump wants to kill it.

      • @[email protected]
        12 hours ago

        i do like the trains! The Coast Starlight is amazing and the view from the observation car is just heaven.

        The Empire Builder is another good train although the scenery on that route can’t compare with the west coast.

    • @[email protected]
      44 hours ago

      I can get on board with this theory. They’re also insanely slow and nearly as expensive as air travel. I understand some of this is due to the rail network and who owns it, but it still seems like Amtrak hasn’t improved one bit since the 1950s.

      • @[email protected]
        13 hours ago

        I used them once to get from Tampa to Miami. It was fine. We got there over an hour late. I wouldn’t really want to take a longer trip.