I never liked the Brotherhood from the start. The way you’re introduced to them in FO1 they basically tell you to fuck off and die in a big irradiated hole. And they don’t really get a better attitude when you actually manage to survive and bring something they want. This is even before you find any holotapes that show how fucked up they really are.
It is also hella funny that their whole goal is to hoard tech so it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands; but they don’t necessarily know what anything they find is and are more likely to blow themselves up tinkering with shit they don’t understand than a random waster who would simply tear the thing apart for the metal scraps.
Fallout 4 makes this really funny with the dialogue followers can give when picking junk items up. Danse will question why you would bother picking up almost anything medical related. 🤣
It is also hella funny that their whole goal is to hoard tech so it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands; but they don’t necessarily know what anything they find is and are more likely to blow themselves up tinkering with shit they don’t understand than a random waster who would simply tear the thing apart for the metal scraps.
“We CANNOT let ANY of this tech fall into the wrong hands!”
[all the tech falls into the wrong hands]
[BoS keeps murdering people anyway]
Fallout 3 did to the BoS what modern 40K is doing to the Imperium.