Zelenskyy needs to realise that Trump is a tiny little man with a tiny little mind focused on one thing, real estate development.
He should tell Trump that he can have development right sto some of the coastal areas of Crimea and Trump will jump at the chance to economically ruin Russia out of existence.
He can then just tell Trump to stick his business in JDs couch once Russia is dealt with which is exactly what Netanyahu is going to do with Gaza.
Maybe or it’s just that Ukraine is not fighting Muslims and people with darker than white skin
Trump doesn’t care about Muslims, he cares about a few extra bucks and having his name in big gold letters on things.
This could work, but I have a feeling Putin’s beaten him to the punch on this one.
I don’t think Putin needs to appeal to Trump’s ego and wallet when he has leverage.
Someone conveniently ignoring the Crusades. Nearly 200 years of exactly that in the name of Christianity, fully supported and encouraged by the clergy.
Eh, Christianity was closer to a government than a religion back then. Most of the followers probably couldn’t explain Christianity to you either since the mass was in Latin and few could actually read the Bible.
I mean, Trump thinks of everything as a business. He’s terrible at them, but that’s the lens he views everything through. And he obviously tries to run the government as a business as well.
Did that puto quote himself? Jajajajajja pinche culero