The shink ray from Duke Nukem 3D was a delight to use in deathmatches. Shrink your opponent and squish 'em!
Railgun, Quake II.
Rocket launcher, Quake III
ASMD, Unreal/Unreal Tournament
Any good stake weapons (Painkiller, FEAR?).
I’m gonna put forward an uncommon weapon. Counter strike’s Zeus. I have 5000+ hours in csgo/cs2 and I have enjoyed the times when me and some friends have Zeused the enemy team more than any other kind of gameplay. You can jump around inferno apps, out of windows, up through windows, in and around boiler, on balcony while boosting a mate. Hide on the boxes on site and jump down to short. Same with nuke.
Unreal 2 black hole cannon
In one match I got two air disc kills over 300m. I was a god damn sniper with that thing.
A feel-good lifetime memory!
I was hoping someone would mention the disc launcher!
We used to play the shareware version on the school computers whenever we had free time. Shazbot!
We still playin its free now
Flak cannon from unreal tournament 2004.
Having a shotgun and a long range AOE explosive round was just too much fun.
Proxy mines, complex, license to kill mode
The bolt thrower in painkiller.
Farsight from Perfect Dark
What about the laptop turret, that was a fun one!
I almost said the Laptop Gun too. That game was full of cool and original weapons, second only to the Turok series
M1 Garand in the old Call of Duty games.
Love me a quick single shot rifle and the iconic ping sound when it reloads is just chef’s kiss
Compound bow in Crysis, I think it was the third game.
Flak Cannon in Unreal Tournament.
Gravity Gun from Half-Life 2 obviously.
railgun, red faction
Aww man, Red Faction was an awesome game! Didn’t the rail gun also have an infrared scope that could see through walls?
I used to play RF2 multiplayer on GameCube with my brother when we were kids. We’d go onto that space map and try to snipe each other from across the map with the railgun.
The early RF games are really underrated.
10mm HV Penetrator from F.E.A.R
thunk thunk thunk thunk
Man I bought F.E.A.R. recently for like a dollar on GOG and I really want to play it, but I don’t want SecuROM malware all over my system.
Seems like SecuROM won’t install from playing singleplayer: that thread is full of mixed messages but I guess I’ll just risk it.
Download a cracked version. You’ve already bought a license.
The graphics dated fairly quickly but I believe the ai, combat and atmosphere should still be excellent.
Gravity Gun from Half-Life 2
Undeniable classic. Not much more satisfying than hucking a file cabinet at a group of people who don’t see you yet.
Also, the trip mines were fun to use in smaller games (just like the Duke3d ones).
The Cerebral Bore from Turok 3, Shadows of Oblivion.
Honestly the whole weapon set was super unique and fun for deathmatch. Too bad the recent remake excluded multiplayer entirely… I’m still very sour about it.
It was in Turok 2 too!
I definitely read that as Turok Tutu
Came here looking for this
That’s a deep cut and I’m so glad you said it