Looks like they took a standard 3020, wrapped in in plastic and added more marketing. It sure as heck isn’t the cheapest of that style, by the same company.
Sure, aluminum is possible, but don’t get your hopes up for anything complicated.
It’ll be fine for ~30um copper PCBs, but the z-axis and x gantry are going to be super unstable. (Just having .5mm of wobble will limit precision considerably.) Those linear rods are absolute shit and need to be quite a bit bigger and the X gantry screw is going to have a ton of backlash.
TBH, you are better off getting a standard 3020 without the plastic nonsense because you will absolutely need to disassemble it a time or two. With the money you save, buy a shop vac and some safety glasses.
At first glance, this does seem like a neat little CNC. Unfortunately, it’s using all the same bits as others in that class and you are going to pay more for more headaches.