Mfg, Nerd, #Entgineer, & #GladScientist, 🛸lifting minds to otherworldly realms with the power of physics 👽 #BecomeABeliever #GoForADryV #SeeTheLight
Looks like a match to me! What’s his name?
Left is Charles, right is Theodore.
It takes lots of practice. Good form. Won’t be long.
Definitely not the same cat, hairy was already a chonker when we got him at 3. He’s 12 now. He’s super chill and takes lots of old man naps.
Buy a commercial signage display. It’s just a TV without the smart garbage.
Or, get a projector :)
My best friend of 25+ years has always worn his socks inside out. He has always preferred the smooth finished side to the unfinished/textured “inside” of normal socks.
It has never been a problem nor will it. It’s just preference. Go for it, it’s not going to change a single thing other than how your socks feel.
When we said NO MO CUOMO we fuckin’ meant it. Fuck this shit, can we have someone that is not and has not been embroiled in fucking corruption? Ugh
I had both my kids before this existed. I would have killed to have 12 weeks paid off to be with my new family. Getting exactly zero days off when you are a new dad SUCKS.
It technically can’t be called champagne if it isn’t made in Champagne France. Otherwise it’s sparkling wine. Sheer brilliance on all accounts, here. /S
Looks more like a bassment to me
I’d say he’s doing a better job of punching everyone else in the cock while he has immunity from prosecution.
What is the goto software/suite for ripping DVDs these days? It has been ages since I’ve done any.
I used a Mavica that took FD’s for storage, back in the late 90s. I loaned it from school for a project. It was fun and frustrating at the same time. It’s crazy how far this tech as evolved.
They’re furthermore a way to start fights using someone else’s money, that they can then take with impunity. So effectively US citizens are now getting charged a premium to fight a war they don’t want, without a choice.
I recall a war that started over taxation without representation…
Let’s not forget Nebelwerfer or Panzerfaust!
Any time you have one cat. Cats are better in pairs.
We usually adopt adult cats in need of a home, but our last adoption was 2 kitten brothers, and they have a special bond that the other cats don’t. It’s adorable, they still play together a lot even as young adults. We’ve always had at least 2, so no one is ever left alone when we are not here.
Hard to argue with that. IDK why the fuck we can let a convicted felon run for the highest office when they’re barred from voting (state dependent, fuck you florida), or can’t own a firearm. The law literally prescribes they cannot be trusted. We can thank stacked scotus (i.e. trump) for this failure too.
That’s his “I love you” face, actually. He’s giving me eye kisses.