In another major climbdown, president says tariffs on hold for a month
I’m betting he won’t. He just wants to use the apparent threat as a bargaining tool. Only if these bavkdowns are anything to go by, he’s hardly in a position to dictate. What a dumbfuck.
What a fucking idiot. Dude can’t even commit to his own shit. TaRIfF iS ThE mOsT bEaUtiFuL wOrD.
At this point, we just need to classify US trade and foreign policy as “deranged” and find stable trading partners.
Yep, all the pain and no gain. Already cancelled my Walmart Delivery Pass and swapped to PC Express. Now I’m locked in for a year. That’s a year of groceries Walmart lost over this.
Personally I’ll be operating like this until the threats are gone, not just delayed, and even years into the future I’ll be much more cognizant of where my goods are coming from.
Bought a bunch of BBC Planet Earth 4K BluRays direct from them because the only other reasonably priced option was Amazon and I’m avoiding them if possible.
BluRays using technology from Japan, pressed in China, containing a documentary series from the UK, purchased in Canada in CAD direct from the UK distributor.
Should be fine, right? Shipped from the US. Such nonsense.
Flip Flopping Donald
I hope that we keep all the measures we implemented until he fully backs down. We shouldn’t get dragged into his instability.