She often talks about womens clothing have inadequate, no, or fake pockets. I do like pockets myself and I love my winter jacket which has a ton. As I have gotten older I have gravitated to more comfortable and usually lighter clothes which usually have fewer pockets (although being mens clothing it still has them). I liked how woman have purses to carry stuff but am not wild about them. I used to sport a fanny back but now I have a homemade sorta bandolier I use which I find easier to throw on and off and stays more balanced.

  • @FardyCakes
    143 days ago

    I hope she’s not in a British night club.

    • Sculptus Poe
      113 days ago

      Based on the joke, I think she might be British…

      • HubertManneOP
        63 days ago

        shes from the us. Dragoncon appeared quite prominently in her pre kids days which was also pre-covid. Not sure how much of either might have effected the con going outside of pure age stuff. Maybe the rave it prep to do a con since a con is like an all weekend rave.

        • Sculptus Poe
          43 days ago

          Well, I just mean that she is probably using the British meaning of Fanny for the joke… I’ve never heard of this comic before so I figured it was a one-off.

          • HubertManneOP
            23 days ago

            honestly I thought butt however being fen and likely some degree of anglophile you might be right.

  • @DarkCloud
    43 days ago

    Is that her Husband in a disguise?

    • @Broadfern
      123 days ago

      A previous comic had her putting on hair clips and saying she was going to a rave. I think this may be that rave lol

  • @BurnoutDV
    12 days ago

    The whole pocket issue seems to be more complex than just “tight pants look dumb otherwise”, saw a Video about it the other day which was somewhat entertaining (Channel: AnswerInProgress , Canadians)