Over the past day, some users have reported that their Google Maps Timeline is missing. As of December, Google Maps has…
Anyone have a FOSS alternative to this? I want my every move tracked but don’t want it to be by google.
There are a few selfhosted versions of this.
It can be helpful to reference this info, and if it’s only stored on your computer then I don’t see the downside
That’s nice, nextcloud also has an app that can do something similar, but not sure if it works with something other than .GPX files
Oh so that explains it. I was able to restore the backup, and while it didn’t do anything the first time, I tried again yesterday and it looks like it worked. I’m still missing some days, but I don’t know if that’s because I actually didn’t go anywhere that day.
Well, that’s “fun” … not.
I specifically backed this up within Google Maps to ensure that I kept this information.