He’s probably right. If they bribe everyone with a $2000 check right before the election and call it their tax savings, there will be a lot of people dumb or desperate enough to sell their future for that marshmallow now.
Thank them with a free guillotine ride right?
Honestly there’s like a 50/50 chance of guillotines vs Christian Evangelism declaring Trump as the one true Jesus Christ.
We live in a mentally ill clown world.
Ah yes, ignoring the bottom half of the economy that your voters deal with every single day that you promised would be a priority… While you take unemployment and blow it through the roof and make prices for everything go up that they need to survive on a daily basis. Removing the government subsidies that your core base directly relies upon while you have control of the government and Trump keeps touting that he’s responsible for.
There will be some, of course, idiots and masochists do exist. But I think he’s overestimating how many truly believe and aren’t starting to already see the light through the cracks in the bullshit shield.