So, I’m a pretty average-height guy—5’7”. Not tall, not short, just… there. My feet, however, did not get the memo. They are gigantic. Size 15. Which means I leave footprints that suggest someone much larger (or possibly Bigfoot) passed through, got spooked, and took off running.

People always comment. First, the double-take. Then: “Whoa. Those are… big.” And finally, the classic: “How do you even find shoes?”

Badly. That’s how.

Shoe shopping for me is like searching for an ancient artifact. Store clerks disappear into the back, only to return shaking their heads, as if I’d asked for a unicorn saddle. “We might have one pair in the back…” And what they bring out is always tragic—some orthopedic dad sneaker the size of a small canoe, usually in a shade best described as “beige disappointment.”

For a while, I tried to hide it. I slouched. I crammed my toes into size 13s like a Victorian woman chasing a terrible beauty standard. I even considered custom shoes—until I saw the price and briefly thought maybe barefoot life isn’t so bad.

But now? I’ve embraced it. I don’t tip over easily. I get extra legroom on buses just by existing. And when people ask about my shoe size, I just smile and say, “Great for swimming.”

  • @[email protected]
    112 hours ago

    You could see your feet coming around the corner then about 10 minutes later you show up.

  • @Treczoks
    183 hours ago

    So EU size 47.

    Geländevernichtungsbretter (ground flattening boards) or Kindersärge (childrens coffins), as we call those kinds of shoes. I had a friend with EU size 48, but at least he had the matching height.

  • @[email protected]
    22 hours ago

    My sympathies. I’m allergic to latex and shoe shopping was dreadful. My reaction was delayed, so my feet would itch after a day of wearing the new shoes, at which point they’re not returnable.

    I finally found a brand that doesn’t use latex in their adhesive or soles. I’m loyal AF to that brand. I suspect you’re similarly loyal to whatever shoes work for you.

  • @Branch_Ranch
    53 hours ago

    A couple months back there was a guy, maybe 6’ tall and had a size 4 or 5 shoe. I can’t seem to find it. Anyone halp?

  • Rikudou_Sage
    12 hours ago

    How does anyone not see the photos are clearly badly photoshopped is a mystery.

    • JustARegularNerd
      21 hour ago

      Granted I’m on my phone, but I’ve stared at this image for a solid minute and I can’t see the Photoshop artifacts. Can you hit us with the useless red circle or arrows?

  • @pyre
    3 hours ago

    okay so:

    1. does this make running a problem or are you actually a better runner than the average person? looks like it would be a hindrance but I’m curious

    2. obviously there are rumors about feet size … do you find women coming on to you more because of this?

    • @Cort
      13 hours ago

      1 Certainly makes it easier to drag your toes while pedaling a bicycle.

      • Liz
        113 minutes ago

        You should be pedaling with the balls of your feet. Toe drag would only be an issue in a tight turn, but you can scrape your pedal doing that if you set your pedals wrong, so your toes don’t matter much.

    • @laolin
      65 hours ago

      You sir, are a comedy genius. I couldn’t stop laughing.

  • @Sam_Bass
    33 hours ago

    And ittybitty ankles. Ok