• @tallwookie
    11 year ago

    so… dealignment is poor folks voting Red and non-poor folks voting Blue? or is it something else? there’s a lot more poor folks than non-poor folks. I only skimmed the article, its way too long.

    can we get a tldr?

    • @psychothumbsOP
      21 year ago

      Yeah basically the traditional alignment is for people to vote farther left the poorer they are and farther right the richer they are. Dealignment is when that pattern gets a little scrambled as it has now, with the overwhelming support for the left by the highly educated and corresponding losses among the uneducated poor. As you say there are a lot of poor, so leftists are trying to come up with strategies to reverse that dealignment and win them back.

      • @just_another_person
        11 year ago

        The problem right now seems to be where the majority of wealth lies, and how it is being used to keep the poor right where they are.

        • @Eldritch
          01 year ago

          It’s largely the same place it’s always been. The main thing that’s different is that these days most Americans really don’t understand what left and right is and use the terms incorrectly. For people of the boomer generation probably the last person in their family to actually have a basic understanding of left and right would have been their grandparents.

          Today left and right only means that you either support right Wingers who pay lip service to social democracy, or right Wingers who are hardcore zealots of bigotry and authoritarianism. There is no major left-wing economic representation in the United States.

      • @tallwookie
        -101 year ago

        gotcha. yeah I dont see that happening - not unless leftists denounce all of their party policies and stop being leftists. centrists, maybe?

  • @TokenBoomer
    11 year ago

    Upvoted for Jacobin. Is it me, or are headlines getting worse?

    • @kescusay
      11 year ago

      Yeah, this one’s utter garbage.