My wife is starting a rewatch of Buffy for a Facebook group project. Part of that rewatch is going to be focusing on what Dawn’s role and influence in each episode was since people tend to ignore her in the early seasons.

To start this project off right she asked for popcorn with flaked red pepper dark chocolate. If you are going to do something do it right.

  • Nyssa Sylvatica
    44 hours ago

    I think Dawn was literally key to the story, but didn’t come into her own until season 5.

    • FauxPseudo OP
      24 hours ago

      Yeah, in these earlier episodes she just kind of takes up space. The writers didn’t give her much of a purpose. Really didn’t need five minutes in the first episode on what it’s like to get an 11 year old out of bed in the morning. Like maybe if she tried to use a fake ID to get into The Bronze that would have shown something unique about her. She gets better after meeting Giles.