Reporting Highlights

  • Discredited Testimony: Nine prisoners who were convicted in part on inaccurate evidence presented by dentist Michael West and pathologist Dr. Steven Hayne have since been exonerated.
  • Junk Science: Jimmie Chris Duncan was sentenced to death row for killing his girlfriend’s toddler after allegedly manufactured bite mark evidence connected him to the crime.
  • Suppressed Evidence: Prosecutors did not reveal that a critical witness had written them a letter from jail in which he appeared to offer his assistance in exchange for leniency.
  • snooggums
    91 day ago

    “For too long, Louisiana has failed to uphold the promises made to victims of our State’s most violent crimes,” Landry said in a February news release. “The time for broken promises has ended; we will carry out these sentences and justice will be dispensed.”

    I assume he means the promises of death made to the victims if injustice who were convicted based on prosecutor misconduct, which seems to fit Landry’s warped view of justice.

  • @[email protected]
    61 day ago

    Allegedly fabricated bite mark analysis

    That’s a pleonasm with the world’s least necessary disclaimer in front of it.

    The only people who know anything about bite mark analysis and aren’t saying that it’s utter garbage are the “experts” getting rich peddling it and the cops and DAs who just want easy convictions and don’t care about justice or science.