And no masterbation!
I just wish they would be honest with their naming schemes. Stop with the “freedom this” and “freedom that” nonsense. They don’t give a good goddam about freedom and we all know it. They are just trying to build “company towns” with touchscreens. We’ve already been down this road. You can slap all the lipstick you want on it, but it’s still a fucking pig.
government officials ending every phrase with, “brought to you by carls jr” is getting more real of a likelihood all the time.
I guarantee those execs think they will be building Star Trek / Federation level society. But the comment above is right, it will be Cyberpunk just with shittier technologies driven by “the invisible hand of the market” or some other drivel.
I believe the federation in Star Trek doesn’t even use money
Oh they know exactly what kind of cities they want to build. The wealthy have been wanting their slaves back since 1865.
Cyberpunk 2025
You load sixteen tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter, don’t you call me 'cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store
They should absolutely do this because tech bros cannot do municipal government and they will spend years throwing all of their money into a nuclear powered bitcoin mining boondoggle with open sewage that produces nothing.
Fordlandia, multiplied by the 1%. If that removes billionaires from our society for good, I approve.
These zones would allow wealthy investors to write their own laws and set up their own governance structures which would be corporately controlled and wouldn’t involve a traditional bureaucracy.
Why do I read this as incel rape cities?
You know what? They should approve it. Give all the MAGAts free homes there and they can all suck trumps dick their. Let the rest of us live in an actually productive and healthy society.
Ironically, “Freedom Cities” not free.
Every time an oppressor wants to enslave people, they use “freedom” as an excuse.
Exhibit A: People’s Liberation Army. Its not a conquering, its liberating 🤣
Or Exhibit B: Maga
How do people ever get fooled by this? Its so dumb
Holy shit, it’s the Burbclaves from Snow Crash.
Or the corporate entities from Jennifer Government.
More people need to play BioShock to understand why this is a bad idea.
No, no, Rapture was an EXCELLENT idea. Let’s send Trump, Musk, and all the rest down there, and watch the results on television. It would be cathartic.
Or look at the history of company towns
They keep trying this shit even though it never works. (Like there’s literally no pictures of this actually, totally existent place. But it’s a paradise. Trust me.)
Let them do it, then point and laugh and don’t let them back into civilization.
Libertarians do not understand how society works.
The baseline, no. The thinkers are just trying to restablish slavery.