discussion question: what’s your favourite kirby song title? #kirby

trying the microblogging stuff again. let’s see how the federation stuff fares this time.

kirby, like any other video game series worth its salt, is well-known for having great music. but, especially as of late, it’s also well known for giving those great songs titles that go just as hard as the music itself. the good old “kirby or touhou?” quiz demonstrates one aspect of this.

so what are some kirby song titles that you really like? bonus points for songs where you like the title more than the actual song.

  • @NumericBiconditional
    2 years ago

    in my opinion:

    titles that are just awesome: Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit, The Star Conquering Traveler, The Raging Lion Roars, The World to Win, Faded Dream of a Psychomeddler, Settling a Score ~ Atone for One’s Misdeeds!, Supreme Ruler’s Coronation - OVERLORD, A Full-Speed Farewell from the New World, probably a whole bunch more but i’m gonna end there

    titles that inherit their awesomeness from something else: The Wastes Where Life Began, “Mistilteinn, Tree Crown without a Ruler”

    titles that are nice in some other way: From Those Who Departed for Space, I’m a Hungry Pink Puffball!, Soaring Determination: No Night is Eternal

    titles that i pay more attention to than the song they come from: Please Don’t Inhale the Cinema Patrons

    a nice title for a not-so-pleasant song: Eternal Echo of the Thrilling Tour-our-our

    unofficial titles that i prefer over the official ones: Moonstruck Blossom [official: Fatal Blooms in Moonlight], Looming Darkness [Another Dimension], Fly! Kirby of the Stars [Fly, Kirby!], Swole Dedede Scuffle [Macho of Dedede]

    unofficial title where although the official one is cooler, i’m way more used to the unofficial one: Under My Control [Welcome Your New Overlord]