RANDOLPH COUNTY, N.C. — Authorities in Randolph County arrested Lucas Timothy Hunt, 25, of Asheboro, known as the founder of the “Thank You Jesus” signs movement, on a felony child exploitation charge after a month-long investigation.
The Invictus Task Force took Hunt into custody on Tuesday and charged him with felony Second-Degree Sexual Exploitation of a Minor. A representative with the organization confirmed to WFMY News 2 that Hunt started the initiative, which has placed thousands of signs across the country promoting the message.
No way.
I came here to post “Of course.”
Funny, because it’s all part of God’s plan!
It’s never been explained how or why raping children is integral to God’s plan.
Because God’s plan is whatever the humans in charge want.
Well what a co-inky-dink.
well, i’ll be damed at least
Yes, it has, unfortunately. I assume you’re not an old-testament bible reader, but I’m not trying to be a dick about it. The OT is chock-full of rape and incest - especially involving children. The story of Noah alone is enough to make any modern person choke. I’ll elaborate if you want.
EDIT - what? no one wants to talk about Noah? i thought y’all loved Jesus!
Don’t forget the genocides and the theocratic totalitarianism.
Especially don’t pay attention to homoeroticism of David and Jonathan. They were just good friends.
je me souviens.
it’s French for “I Wll Remember.”
will you?
I’m not the person you were replying to but I’d love to hear what you’ve got to tell / elaborate.