I found this post I made awhile ago about potentially merging the communities. Now that I actually do mod !bunnies@lemmy.world, I figured I’d do as @justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world suggested a year ago and poll both communities about how they’d prefer to handle things:

  • Stay separate, do not merge
  • Merge: move Bunnies users to Rabbits
  • Merge: move Rabbits users to Bunnies
  • Merge: move users of both communities to a single new community

You can answer the poll anonymously at this link. It closes a week from now. I’ll do what the poll says once it’s over.

I notice that !bunnies@lemmy.world is still active, while !rabbits@lemmy.world seems to have much sparser activity, so full disclosure: I voted for moving !rabbits@lemmy.world users to !bunnies@lemmy.world.