Gie late apologies. Fits oor plans this weekend?
In Paris the day, hence why we’re late, oot fer the rugby! Nae expectin much, but hopin fer a guid game at least. Seen Notre Dame the day aifter openin back up, and it’s like it never hud a fire. Done a fine job indeed
Listening tae The Rest is History oan the plane. The build up tae WW1, what a fab 6 episodes on just 1 week ae history
Noice. Gif to hear on the restoration of notre dam
Oh have the best time!!
Table booked all afternoon at the pub for Super Saturday then seeing Mickey 17 at the cinema on Sunday. Perfect weekend incoming.
Been a wierd couple weeks busy as all hell at work. 2 bottles of wine deep. I think I’m on a place to publicise me mam up and died on me.
Those who have been here a yr or so should remember a very long post she was the center of caring complex thoughts. I think I have come out the other side with general apathy and not really caring as she wasn’t a part of my life almost as long as she was. Which is a long ass tine for an old fuck like me
You’re relationship might not have been great but at the end of the day its still your mum and you will be feeling it. Hope you are alright and if you ever need to chat, please reach out!