So I booked a sailing that was 10 nights while I was on a ship and it was only 200 down. Now I am kicking myself because I would love to book something else but dropping more than 200 at a time is tough for me right now.

I am by no means rich, I do a lot of DIY when things need fixed and it saves me enough that I can manage to make some travel happen. I don’t stay in suites or fancy 100 per night rooms when I travel. For that matter I have slept in my vehicle on longer trips or drive for a very long time to get where I am going. So believe me when I say every penny counts for me and I can swing a certain amount without issue but 200 is generally easy for me to put down if I find a cruise I really want.

So why am I kicking myself you may ask? Well the cruise I wanted to book was a 500 deposit, it’s a little further out as well (fall 2024 vs spring), and like I said 500 in one shot is tough. Sadly cruises I believe 9 nights or longer are a 900 deposit… I don’t have that kind of cash sitting around!!

But you can put a deposit down and not even pick a cruise when you are on a ship and you can literally book a 10 night cruise for that same 200 down. In fact the sailing I was on previously was 10 nights and the deposit was 200 onboard. Not to mention that if you sailed using a travel agent they will automatically have your cruise added unless you specifically ask them not to be. That means your agent will be able to help you do things with your cruise and will be the person you call to make payments.

You can also have multiple deposits placed at the same time and I believe that you can even gift a deposit to someone else of your choosing but you will have to check that out onboard.

So anyway stop by NextCruise while on the ship and find out the details on anything they have going.

  • Bitswap
    2 years ago

    Does it change the total price at all or is it just the deposit? If it’s just the deposit then it’s kind of worthless if you ask me.

    I’ve never been on a cruise. I’ve thought about it, but never pulled the trigger.

    • MuttMuttOPM
      2 years ago

      Nextcruise does have some discounts available and other things that make it worthwhile as well but it’s not always the case. But for a lot of people the ability to put a 200 deposit down and make small payments is better than throwing 900 on a credit card. By all means if you have $$$ in the bank do whatever works for you but if you are like me and I am sure a lot of other people the lower the deposit the better. Also most deposits are nonrefundable, so using NextCruise I still only have a 200 deposit that is nonrefundable vs the 900 I would normally have on a 10 night cruise.

      But if you have thought about it and want to see the world on a budget I would highly suggest trying one. I mean where can you stay in a 4 star hotel with meals and entertainment included for around 60 per night and get the chance to visit a country you have never seen before? I regularly look for rooms in that price range and while every single one will not be in that area you can still beat the cost of flying and staying at a resort when you don’t even know that the area is like other than pictures and stories from other people.

      • Bitswap
        2 years ago

        60 dollars a night…seems like bullshit. So you are getting 10 day cruises for $600? Send a link please. I’ll sign up right now.

        Clicked the wrong reply button at first…

        • MuttMuttOPM
          2 years ago

          Head on over to Vacations To Go and take a look at Radiance of the Seas departing September 1st 2023. It’s currently 36.00 per night per person for 7 nights plus taxes and fees.

          FastDeal # 37714

          7 nights departing September 1, 2023

          Royal Caribbean ❘ Radiance of the Seas

          Brochure Inside$1,166

          Our Inside$349

          I use Vacations To Go for most every booking and most of the time they also have a 50.00 onboard credit for each stateroom. The 90 day ticker is great if you can pick up and go whenever. But the older ships heading out at points in time where others don’t really want to go are pretty cheap. I sailed out of Fort Lauderdale on Vision of the Seas which left out on Black Friday 2022 for 10 nights and paid 1400 for two people with taxes and fees included. I have seen them for less at some points but right now ships are running at capacity so it will be harder to find those deals.