Forgot to post this here long ago. Don’t like self promoting, but haven’t seen other videos.

Here’s a video I did where I’m running a Hetzner VPS for only $8/month and I’ve simulated 70+ open connections without any kind of issue.

Lots of folks think that the more people watching, the more CPU power. That’s not true. Number of quality of streams is what constitutes CPU required. So if I have 2 qualities, you want at least 3 CPUs. If you have 8 qualities, you probably want something like 10.

Your mileage may vary, but the most people watching, just equates to more bandwidth. And the Linux kernel is very good at opening connections and managing them, so it’s VERY low CPU usage.

If bandwidth does become an issue, you could always use a CDN or S3 bucket in front of your Owncast.