But for me it’s accurate either way, so I don’t care. 😇
Even as a straight/cis man with ASD, I’ve regularly found lgbtq+ communities to be more accepting of me as a person than straight communities. I’m happy to be represented by gay infinity
I’m a straight male. Before I even knew I was autistic back in high school in the 90s, I used to be part of the Pride Student Club because they were so nice to me compared to others.
To gayfinity… And beyond.
Insert buzz light-year meme
I mean, if he wants his dick sucked within the next 30 minutes.
please keep it SFW here
edit: This is a reminder. Not a warning. I know queer culture well enough to know that discussions about that particular app tend to escalate. There is a line to consider at which I am forced to take action. It was not crossed yet and I would prefer it to stay that way. Keywords: “keep” and “please”.
If he put his back into it it shouldn’t take anywhere near that long
Man, being gay sounds like it has some perks. For me to pull that off with a girl, I’m gonna have to spend some money and potentially get arrested.
Austims emblem should be a train.
Have a little fun with it.
You’re not wrong… but what about us tank- and spaceship-autists?
A Kerbal Space Program Rocket with Jeb wearing earphones
Cat Autist checking in. There’s a cat riding whatever vehicle we settle on, right?
Riding? I hope not. The cat is supposed to be piloting and if it isn’t who is?
The cats servant. The cat is in the backseat napping. 💚
Infinitely gay… I have finally found my flag!!!
Gotta tell ya, most people with ASD are queer as fuck so it still suits
The infinity symbol is too cold and generic, I think I blocked about 60 of these AliExpress knockoff ads on tw_tter.
There’s an old logo for Safe Place, which was to designate places where homeless or abused children could seek help. Something like that which evokes a feeling of safety or perhaps related to the senses would be a better starting point:
Maybe it’s just my brainrot, but I see a stubby-armed skeleton backlit by a cloud.
Me: Is that Cthulhu in a house?
Looks closer
Oh, it’s just two people hugging.
Now I’m disappointed there is no Cthulhu.
And? What’s the problem? Lmao /joking tone
I have a shirt with just that logo. I’m non binary so yay rainbow. And also stealth showing my neurology but only to those in the know. Double yay.
Polyamory uses the infinity symbol (ethical non-monogamy).
isn’t that the meta/facebook pride logo?
Everything needs a symbol or flag now. Tribalism is trendy again and isn’t backfiring at all.
I am in a good mood right now, so I’ll make an effort to understand your point.
What’s wrong with symbols or flags in general? What do you mean with “Tribalism”? Looking at the definition, I don’t get your statement… Mankind was always organised into some kind of groups or tribes. It’s not at all a new penomenon. And what exactly is the backfiring about? I guess it’s meant sarcastically, but I don’t know what exactly you’re hinting at.
i dont think autistic people are joining a sexuality war. flags don’t mean tribalism