This seems like it would make it harder for Ohioans to vote to make abortion and pot legal, against the wishes of the gerrymandered Republican legislature. I would vote no.
That’s exactly it.
deleted by creator
Vote No.
1 person = 1 vote
We need to prevent 40% of the population from being able to decide for the majority of Ohioans.
You’d have to be a fucking moron to vote Yes. I mean, like drinking bleach, shooting-self-in-foot stupid.
So I expect “Yes” to have a frighteningly high turnout.
Voted early to get my NO vote in. Trying to get every neighbor, friend, and family member to do the same so this BS doesn’t slip through on a special election.
From Ohio, they seem to love cucking themselves so this is probably gonna pass.
Please vote no, I can’t think of a single advantage or positive outcome to raising the requirement to 60%.
Not only 60%, but ONE HUNDRED % requirement for county signatures. Literally 1 county could stop an entire vote.
Any American that chooses less control over their government has dog turds for brains
Issue 1 = 60% vote to pass changes to the State’s constitution. what is the % now?
50%+1 simple majority
This is the correct answer.
ok thanks - didnt see it in the article (and I dont live in Ohio)
Issue 1 = 60% vote to pass changes to the State’s constitution
Or another way to put it, Issue 1 = 40% vote to stop changes to the State’s constitution.
Why should 40% be able to control what goes through?
Not from Ohio. I think it’s 50%. Simple majority
It’s more than just the percentage look at the county and signature requirements
It’ll destroy a check and balance
I volunteer with a group and wrote postcards to Ohio voters urging a NO vote on Issue 1.
The religious nuts will do anything and everything possible to avoid having votes on abortion rights because they know it’s a loser