This is my first time growing King Oyster mushrooms. They’ve been in the mostly damp cellar for about 2 weeks now, it’s the best I can offer in terms of temperature/moisture/air quality. I gave them water every 3-4 days but I’m not sure if it’s enough and I’ve just cut open the bag to give them more breathing space.

Appreciate any feedback! :)

  • @s1ndr0m3
    11 year ago

    Those look like pins to me. I can’t tell much else based on that photo. Are they getting any indirect sunlight in the basement? I think they need a little light to encourage growth. I could be wrong about that, though.

    • zephyrvsOP
      11 year ago

      That’s a good point and a few search queries later, you seem to be right. I’ll move them outside for the remainder of the day. Thanks! <3

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        I had a little trouble getting my first batch of blues to start pinning last week, but following a suggestion I moved them near (but not in front of) a fan that is always on to provide more airflow. That did the trick and they started pinning the next day.

        Also, don’t give your oysters too much moisture. You want to spray around them but not directly on them or the mycelium, as that can lead to problems. They don’t really need much, and in your conditions they might not need the spray bottle at all.

        Great start though, post progress pics! I’m anticipating harvesting some blues by this weekend if all goes well.