Title: Weekly “What You Didn’t Do” Thread – Share Your Untackled Adventures at Work!

Hey fellow Antiworkers!

Welcome to our weekly “What You Didn’t Do While at Your Job” thread! 🚀

Let’s be honest – work can sometimes be overwhelming, and despite our best intentions, there are moments when we couldn’t get to everything we planned. This thread is a judgment-free zone where we can share those untackled adventures and missed opportunities that occurred while we were on the job.

Whether it’s an exciting project you couldn’t start, a skill you wanted to master, or even that coffee catch-up you promised your colleague but never got around to, here’s the place to spill the beans!


  1. Be respectful and supportive of each other’s experiences.
  2. Keep it work-related and adhere to Lemmy’s community guidelines and our rules.
  3. Feel free to share tips on time management and productivity, but remember, we’re here to support, not judge.

How to participate:

Simply drop a comment sharing what you didn’t do while at your job this week. It could be something you plan to tackle later or something you’re letting go of for now. Don’t forget to engage with others’ stories – a kind word of encouragement can go a long way!

Let’s turn these “didn’t do’s” into motivation for the upcoming week. Sometimes, just acknowledging what we couldn’t accomplish can be a stepping stone towards future success.

So, let’s get this “What You Didn’t Do” party started! Share away, and let’s lift each other up! 💪😊

I’m lazy and don’t want to work so this is created by chat gpt

  • Shimitar
    81 year ago

    Ok. Here it goes… On mobile so apologize for formatting.

    After a work trip where my flight was delayed to the next day i got home at 11am, went home and enjoied one paid day off.

    Then reported the flight was delayed again and got home in the afternoon.

  • @harsh3466
    61 year ago

    This is and isn’t work related. Today, I had a real shit attitude at work. Bottom line, they don’t pay me enough to give a fuck.

    At home, in my free time, I run a home lab/server. It’s a hobby I really enjoy. This is relevant because today while raging to myself at work about how fucking bullshit everything is, I decided I want to spend some time and possibly money to get some structured education in linux system administration.

    Maybe I’ll parlay that into a job that even if I don’t enjoy (and I don’t enjoy my current job, so whatever) will at least pay me more than I’m currently making.

    Or maybe it’ll just help me enjoy my hobby more (and manage my server better).

    Either way, fuck capitalism.