Trying a new roaster called Union this time around. They were mentioned in one of Hoffmann’s videos and thought I’d give them a go!

  • @alouderback
    21 year ago

    Sounds so good. Love getting new beans

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    I’ve had some really good times with beans from union. They’re quite good quality for the price. At least they were when I tried them, not sure if their prices have gone up. Either way, you have some quality beans there. Enjoy!

  • @fritobugger2017
    21 year ago

    That light roast second from the left looks like the one for me.

  • @WoodstockOP
    21 year ago

    I’ve gone for:

    Maraba (Rwanda): Link Timana (Columbia): Link Decaf maraba (Rwanda): Link Decaf (blend): Link

    • @WoodstockOP
      11 year ago

      Replying to this with my thoughts as I go through and try them!

      I’ve given the Maraba a few brews in the v60 and to me it makes a lovely cup! I did make an error while ordering this one - I ordered filter pre-ground by accident! The good news is is a perfect grind for my v60 but there’s definitely more taste to be had if I’d ordered whole beans like the other ones!